I signed up to "run" a 5k last week (the 1st of 5) that will take place in the month of April)and even though I've never "run" a 5k before, I promised myself that I would "run" at least one mile without stopping. Well, that one mile turned to two and those two miles turned into three point one, and 40 mins later I was done. I wasn't close to being 1st but I wasn't last, I was ahead of at least 100 people and that was exciting. I mean, who cares that the people I beat were either old, slow or people who never intended on running the thing in the 1st place.. LOL! (actually I don't really know) The good thing is, is that I started and I finished that was the goal.
I pushed my body beyond what I thought was capable and believe you me, I was hurt up for a few days. So much so that I decided not to do this weeks race and I'm ok with it. I was so exhausted last week that I think I will give my body a little break. (if that's what you wanna call it considering I've worked out like a beast this week) I may run one more before its all over and hopefully I will beat my time and 100 more folk.