About 10 years or so ago, I had this little teddy bear, and when I pushed it's tummy it would say different things... One of the things it used to say with a high pitched cute little kid voice was " My tummy hurts.... Pleeeeease rub my tummy." No matter how many times I pressed the tummy it would make me laugh. I say all this to say that, I feel like that little bear right now.

I'm at a friends house for Easter dinner and for the 1st time in weeks (or months) I had dessert. I am soooo not ready to have sweets, it made me feel yucky primarily because I STILL do not know boundaries. I ate to much and to be honest I really didn't even want it all that bad. I guess I shouldn't be looking at this as a temporary thing but rather something that I just need to take out of my diet. I don't like feeling like this. And to make things worse.... I am gonna have to do some extra workouts next week to get this crap off... This was so not a part of the plan. But! I will be good to myself, I won't beat myself up but I will learn from this experience. So again I say...My tummy hurts.... Pleeeeease rub my tummy.
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