Today I made a conscious decision to drink more water. I don't think I made my quota but I was close. I need to be sure to finish at least a gallon of water within two days while I am at work and drink water before I leave the house and when I get home. That way I will surely be covered.
The one thing that's making me irritated however is the fact that I am breaking out on my face like a teenager amongst other things that are going on with my body. I hate it. Susan, my fabulous nutritionist seems to think that it may be because of toxins leaving my body. She said sometimes things have to get worse before they get better. I think I can accept that for now. I think.
Anyway, I know I mentioned it before but I have a serious
jones for apples and peanut butter. I think about it all the time and can't wait till my morning snack so I can have it. Weird. At some point however, rest assured, the sight of this mid morning snack of mine will disgust me. I think it's because I have the tendency to play things out until they are dead. Then I hate it.
I hope I never hate this snack. On a separate note, as much as I thought I would miss bread, (like Ike missed Tina), I have to be totally honest and say that it's really not that deep. Don't get me wrong, I love it, sometimes worship it, but I am
ok without it.
I'm learning so much about myself and what I can and cannot do, what my limits are and aren't. I'm actually looking forward to keeping this plan going. I look forward to that blog post title that says Day 60, 70, 80: I feel good about the fact that I've lost 10, 15, 20 pounds.
Well my friends, I must go and get my beauty rest. Getting enough sleep (at least 7 -8 hours) is part of the plan as well.