Saturday, November 1, 2008

Day 11. Confessions of a Halloween Party Goer.

I started the day out with good intentions. Like most of us do when we are trying to accomplish a goal, I found myself this time, more than any other, slipping off the wagon. I admit the whole Halloween thing got to me a little and I had one baby tootsie roll and one baby snicker. I had this urge that I choose not to control. You notice I say choose not to. That's growth for me because typically I would just say " I couldn't help myself" or " It was calling my name." I guess the best part of that, if there is a best part, is that I allowed myself to have just a couple and not the whole freaking bowl. That's growth too considering those are two of my favorite candies.

But that's not it. I got a little off schedule and I found myself really hungry at the end of the day so I was trying to eat too much. I even tried to sneak (well, I was successful the second time) a chicken wing from this party I was at. Fried no less and way to late to be eating. One of my accountability partners (thanks Bangaly!) was there with me at the party and he made it his duty to remind me of my goals and the things that I need to do to achieve them. While it can be nerve wrecking at times, it's good to know that someone cares to the extent that they will even snatch whatever they need to out of my hand.

While I've given myself permission to incorporate a moderate amount of red wine into this regime, I also veered from that a bit and had two mixed drinks (small ones at least) that had like 6 or 7 different ingredients (or more) which made it strong and sweet. It wasn't a total bust but this far into the game I need to be fighting for this.

I think that's it. For now.

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