Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Day 1.... I Won!

Yesterday, I spoke with a clinical nutritionist Susan. I must say, she is the greatest. She's my new wellness coach (thanks to this new benefit from my job). We spoke for an hour about what my goals are, my current health issues, and what challenges I am faced with with regards to loosing weight.

I told her that I preferred to go cold turkey and eliminate sweets all together for the moment so she started me on a 21 day Jump start program to help me lose weight. I shared with her that the biggest challenge would be the whole not eating after 7pm thing. I don't think I've ever not eaten after 7pm. So here are the rules (from the top of my head because I left my sheet at work)

Breakfast: Protein Shake (berries, banana, whey protein with no sugar, ice and milk)
Snack: 1 cup of low glycemic fruit with nuts or a fat
Lunch: Big salad with non starchy veggies (and add chicken, turkey or fish) with olive oil vinaigrette
Snack: Protein/Fat (protein bar or protein such as turk, chik or fish with avocado and lettuce)
Dinner: 4 to 5 oz Turkey, chicken or fish with lots of non starchy vegetables.
Xtra: at least 64 oz of water daily, drink decaf green tea, eat every 3 to 4 hours, eat breakfast one hour after waking up and don't eat after 7.

I did pretty well today surprisingly but I am gonna have to go to bed soon or I am going to attack the fridge. The only challenge is that I didn't eat breakfast early enough so I found myself eating every 2 to 2 1/2 hours today. I had the following:

B: Smoothie with one cup berries 1/2 banana, scoop of whey, ice and water
S: Pear and almonds
L: Salad with turkey
S: Odwalla bar (even though she told me to lay low since it has 60% of my daily value of carbs)
D: Baked Chicken with greens, green beans and cabbage

I went out tonight so when I got there I had some sauteed spinach which was the bomb and a diet soda which technically I am not supposed to have but I did anyway.

Anyway, I did it. I'm happy! I won! I ate the appropriate foods and I didn't eat after 7pm.

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