Friday, October 24, 2008

Day 4. Making Better Choices

Midnight confessions: I was up late, the refrigerator was yelling my name. I got up to answer and it put me in a choke hold and made be drink about 4 oz of Apple juice... I craved something with taste so I didn't fight it. I decided to extend some grace to myself, just a little.

Anyway, today is the 1st day where I had to make adjustments to my plan because of traveling. I thought it was going to be hard but I only had to make some slight adjustments. Tomorrow will be more of a challenge because I can't make my morning smoothie but I'll do fine!

I'm on my way to dinner with some of my members but I find for some reason and surprisingly that this is the easiest meal for me. I can stand to pay attention to my portions a little closer however. I think I can manage not eating yummy pasta or rice... I'll let you know how I did tomorrow.

B: Smoothie ( i used a whole banana due to greed, I was only supposed to do half)
S: Pear and Almonds
L: Caesar Salad with Balsamic dressing. At this point I was already in Long Island so this was my 1st challenge and I did good). I also choose to drink water with my meal and skip the croutons.
S: Almonds and a 100% fruit snack. this was a bit of a change but it was still better than a snicker. Holla not to mention I ate this like 1/2 hour after lunch. I need to work on that every 3 hour thing.... :)

Oh, I also decided to get some wintergreen life savers today at the airport. I will definitely limit those since it is nothing but sugar but they helped with my hunger pangs today.. I guess sugar will do that.

Woo hoo!
4 days down a lifetime to go!

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