Sunday, October 26, 2008

Day 6. Give us us Free!!!

This was my get out of jail free day. The one day my wellness coach said I can have bread if I was good all week. With that said, I had french toast at brunch today! I'm not sure if I felt free although it was good. I also loaded up on veggies and chicken for balance if that counts. I will say that I was charged to get back on my plan which is a good thing. I've gotta lose weight! This is my goal, this is the plan. It's necessary and I need to approach this with a sense of urgency.

Anyway, for breakfast I had one of my super yummy smoothies and for a snack I opted for a super yummy apple (thanks Alethia) and the rest of my protein bar. Dinner was sauteed shrimp and spinach with almonds.. I threw it together from the things I had in the house and it was super good and only took about 5 minutes to cook!

I didn't feel like going to the grocery store today although I must go tomorrow. It's such an important part of the process. Otherwise, it makes it easy to get off track.

Oh, I didn't mention that I was rebellious last night and had apple juice. I did dilute it with water if that helped. Not sure. Sugar is my challenge. This is my only and biggest challenge and I will not let it conquer me. I can't. I am in control right?

Anyway, here's to another successful week!



Darius T. Williams said...

You're a good really are! There's no way I could do something like this. Apple juice? I'd be making it a zillion ways - like reducing it down to a sryup to pour over biscuits - or turning the syrup into a vinaigrette!

I hope it works out!

Sandy said...

LOL! u r 2 funny....its kinda sad cause I cant even have apple juice right now...