Thursday, October 23, 2008

Day 3. Sheesh, Luis!

For some reason these three days have made me feel like I know exactly what Jesus was going thru when he fasted for 40 days. I know it's not that deep, but I'm an eater, which is exactly what got me into the issue I am in now... Overweight. I've heard it all b4. "oh you're not fat you're tall." What the heck does one have to do with the other?? Fat is fat is fat is fat, be you tall short or whatever. I may be able to mask it better but it doesn't make it any healthier.

I've even had dreams about sneaking food over these past couple of days. The other day it was popsicle's, 6 of them no less. Last night, it was this pink sparkling liqueur called Nuvo which I watered down to try and make it less fattening. How funny is that? I do "sneak" food in real life so the fact that I am sneaking it in my dreams is not to far from reality. Now who I am sneaking it from is beyond me.

Anyway, I felt kinda dizzy earlier today, not sure what that's about. I do have bouts with dizziness every so often however. I think it's because I need sugar... Ok, I don't need it, but I want it. I think these feelings are simply part of the withdrawal process.

Today my food was pretty much the same as the past few days

B; Berry and Whey smoothie
S: Pear and Almonds
L: Salad with turkey and egg
S: Luna bar (I'm gonna lay low on these next week too many carbs. I need to find ones lower in carbs)
D: A whole lotta green beans and whole lot of ground turkey. ( I ate too late due to my late night pedicure and I was starving)

I should also admit that I did sneak a sip of juice today. It was really small. I was pouring it down the drain and as it was going down I thought how neat it would be to sneak a sip. What's up with the sneaking. I may need to bring this up with my therapist. I'm sure there's something there that can last us a whole session.

3 days down.... a lifetime to go!!! Go Sandy! Go Sandy!

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