Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Day 9. Still Truckin

I love the fact that I am learning how to eat on my plan while eating out. I would go as far to say that this plan is not bad at all. I'm managing in between sneaking a few things here and there (that won't kill me or sabotage me necessarily) to lose weight. I was supposed to stay off the scale until the end but I couldn't help to peak and it looks like I've lost a few pounds (if you are reading Susan, you caught me!:)

I was super syked to see those numbers on the scale. By no means is it even close to where I need to be but gosh darn it it's a start.

I was able to get a salad today at lunch from chipotle minus all the yummy stuff like sour cream and cheese and corn but it was very good. I liked the fact that I could go to lunch and not feel left out. I did manage to have a diet soda but I'm not to mad at myself for that. Other than that I had some tic tacs which helped my breath a great deal after lunch.

The one thing that I am now loving is peanut butter on my apples. I had that today and yesterday and it is umm umm good! I am using the PB with no sugar to and its still very good. I think that snack is a keeper!

I'm eating dinner now. Some super dry tuna that I cooked for way to long and I will eat some asparagus in a minute. I was too lazy to cook it. I will be straight up with you and let you know that I am about to drink some of this apple juice and after that I may pour it out. I'll let you know. I should also admit to you Bangaly that I did end up eating that whole protein bar last night at 11:30. I know I should have had water instead but it was so yummy I couldn't stop. Well, I guess I could have, I just choose not to. I won't let it happen again sir. Scouts honor. (good thing I'm not a scout)........

Anyway, I'm about to get ready to watch Obama so I'm outty. Thanks for your continued encouragement as I try to loose weight AGAIN.......

Here's to 9 days!

1 comment:

M. Akamau said...

Good for you, dear one! You're off to a good start! Hang in there. The trick (as you know by now!) is changing your eating habits FOR GOOD and not just when you wanna lose a few pounds. Umph! You got me thinking about a possible blog post --- so many things to write about, but so little time! Keep at it...this is a good little blog, too. It will certainly help keep you accountable.:)